That completes all of the material from this event. I hope you enjoyed it! One of the fan groups that recreates events on their web player will be adding this event some time down the road. Keep an eye on their twitter for more details!
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Symphonia Bonuses
Hi again! I'm back for a final post on this. Hit the jump for translations of the bonus stage and the memoria from the Symphonia event.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Symphonia x Symphogear comes to an end
All right! I finished playing through the event - it was a ton of fun! There were a lot of great moments between the characters and although it was a short-lived adventure, you could really feel a bond that developed between everyone. Maybe someday they'll meet again? One can hope! Hit the jump for translations of stages: 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
More Tales of Symphogear
Hi again! I've been making my way through the Symphonia event and translating as I go. If you're interested, here are translations for stage 4 and stage 5. I hope to update this post with stage 6 and maybe 7 later tonight. My goal is to have finished the whole thing within the next few days. Thanks for reading. :)
Edit: Stage 6 TL added! (Note: spelling of "Leciel" changed to "Luciel". Given what we find out about him, this seems more fitting).