Episode 2 has aired and is available subbed on Crunchyroll or VRV. Please support the official release. As we wait another 7 days for episode 3, take your time to review episode 1 and read up on these keywords that explain some of what happened. For example: What exactly does G3FA stand for? Read on to find out!
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
XV Infodump #4
Hello again, folks! XV has only just begun so there's not a lot of updates to provide you with yet, but now is a good opportunity to review and prepare for the upcoming ride on the hype train. To start, the official site has uploaded a few keywords that go over important concepts. Plus, this week was the release of Hibiki's CD and if you want to spoil yourself on the 2nd song the lyrics are here.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Animate Times interview with Aoi Yuki
Less than half an hour until XV! I've rushed to get this incredible with Aoi Yuki done in time for people to read it before the episode airs. She talks about her overall experience with the series and also touches on the developments in season 5. Please enjoy!
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Symphogear AXZ: Special Discussion Series #7
Back when AXZ ended I had hoped to translate all of these pair interviews before season 5 started, but I didn't make it. I will definitely go back to finish 4, 5 and 6 at some point, but for now I've skipped to the final entry to get people prepped for XV. Enjoy!